Listening with the Eyes

“Music that can be seen,” in other words, concerts to feast your eyes on, from Baroque to contemporary. A host of different musical genres in unusual settings, straddling the fine line between theater and performance art.

Leading artists from contemporary music’s international scene will be on hand at this year’s edition of MITO SettembreMusica, presenting some of their most recent creations for a star-studded series of Italian Premieres featuring Lisa Streich (Sweden), Simon Steen-Andersen (Denmark), Heiner Goebbels (Germany) and Fabio Nieder (Italy-Germany). The special events also feature the Rai National Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Robert Treviño, playing Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5, Lisa Streich’s Ishjärta, Simon Steen-Andersen’s no Concerto, with Rei Nakamura on piano and actor Vinicio Marchioni. Somewhere between concert and performance art, no Concerto is “a fictional media- and music archaeological exploration staging an imaginary first encounter with a (reconstruction of a) classical concert” – Beethoven’s Concerto No. 4 for piano and orchestra – “experienced by a person from a distant future in which music and concerts as we know them no longer exist.”

Heiner Goebbels’ A House of Call is a cycle of invocations, prayers, poems and songs for a large orchestra, backed by recordings of sounds and voices from all over the world. A House of Call will be performed by the Rai National Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Vimbayi Kaziboni, with Goebbels in charge of lighting. The Percussion Orchestra and the Schlagquartett Köln, conducted by Peter Rundel, perform Edgar Varèse’s 20th-century classic, Ionisation for thirteen percussionists, followed by Fabio Nieder’s latest work Erdenmarsch.

Two compositions by Olivier Messiaen, a key figure in 20th-century music, are on the program this year – Catalogue d’Oiseaux for piano and Harawi for soprano and piano. Both performances feature the young soloist Costanza Principe, with soprano Katrien Baerts in the role of vocalist for Harawi. Catalogue d’Oiseaux will be played in its entirety in three different locations in Milano, at three different times of day – interpretations of birdsong as odes to nature.

Torino-born Ludovico Einaudi has garnered international fame as a composer spanning genres and styles. At MITO SettembreMusica 2024 he and his band will be performing In a Time Lapse Reimagined at an outdoor concert in elegant Piazza San Carlo, in the heart of Torino. The next night, the same stellar location plays host to Giovanni Sollima and Enrico Melozzi’s amazing project 100 Cellos, which first came together over a decade ago, uniting cellists from different countries, generations and backgrounds in a giant ensemble beaming with extravagant amounts of human energy.  

The great array of music to be heard at MITO SettembreMusica 2024 is not without representation from the Baroque era. Contralto Delphine Galou is featured in two recitals, accompanied on harpsichord and organ by Ottavio Dantone. Torino’s Le Roi music hall may be a somewhat unusual setting for Wild Passions, but the backdrop is fitting, with the duo performing a secular anthology of cantatas and arias inspired by the theme of love. At the Church of Santa Maria Rossa in Crescenzago, Milano, the duo presents The Gates of Heaven, with sacred music from the 16th to the early 18th centuries.   

Scheduled events

Torino /
Piazza San Carlo / at

In a Time Lapse
Ludovico Einaudi

Ludovico Einaudi, pianoforte
Federico Mecozzi, violino, viola
Redi Hasa, violoncello, violoncello elettrico
Rocco Nigro, fisarmonica
Alberto Fabris, basso elettrico, basso synth
Sebastiano De Gennaro, percussioni
Gianluca Mancini, live electronics
Francesco Arcuri, polistrumentista

Piazza San Carlo Carnets 

Assigned Seating

Sector A €50

Sector B €30

Sector C €20

Standing with view of large screen €10

Torino /
Piazza San Carlo / at

100 Cellos
Giovanni Sollima
Enrico Melozzi

Giovanni Sollima, violoncello
Enrico Melozzi, violoncello

Piazza San Carlo Carnets 

Assigned Seating

Sector A €50

Sector B €30

Sector C €20

Standing with view of large screen €10

Torino /

Beethoven•Quinta Sinfonia
Steen-Andersen•no Concerto

Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della Rai
Rei Nakamura
, pianoforte
Vinicio Marchioni, voce recitante
Susanna Franchi, speaker
Robert Treviño, direttore

Gold and Silver Carnets – Pass

Assigned Seating €15

Torino /
Le Roi Music Hall / at

Passioni selvagge
e amori pastorali

Delphine Galou, contralto
Ottavio Dantone, clavicembalo

Gold Carnet – Pass

Admission €10

Milano /
Rotonda di via Besana / at

Olivier Messiaen
Catalogue d’oiseaux

Costanza Principe, pianoforte

Primo concerto
Le traquet stapazin
La bouscarle
Le loriot
Le merle bleu

Carnet Oro (concert 8 pm)
Pass à la carte (concert 8 pm)
Ticket € 5

Milano /
Rotonda di via Besana / at

Olivier Messiaen
Catalogue d’oiseaux

Costanza Principe, pianoforte

Secondo concerto
Le chocard des Alpes
L’alouette calandrelle
Le traquet rieur
La buse variable
La rousserolle effarvatte

Carnet Oro (concert 8 pm)
Pass à la carte (concert 8 pm)
Ticket € 5

Milano /
Rotonda di via Besana / at

Olivier Messiaen
Catalogue d’oiseaux

Costanza Principe, pianoforte

Terzo concerto
Le courlis cendré
Le merle de roche
La chouette hulotte
L’alouette Lulu

Carnet Oro (concert 8 pm)
Pass à la carte (concert 8 pm)
Ticket € 5

Milano /

To Stage the Music – Heiner Goebbels

Proiezione di
To Stage the Music – Heiner Goebbels
Italia/Germania/Francia - 2023 - 84’
un documentario realizzato da Giulio Boato

Free entrance with reservation on

Torino /

Heiner Goebbels
A House of Call

Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della Rai
Daniel Skála
, cimbalom
Filip Eraković, accordéon
Steffen Ahrens, chitarra

Simone Garino, sassofono tenore, clarinetto basso

Tiziano Popoli, campionatore

Vimbayi Kaziboni, direttore

Heiner Goebbels, regia luci
Norbert Ommer, regia del suono

Gold and Silver Carnets – Pass

Assigned Seating €10

Torino /

Olivier Messiaen
chant d’amour
et de mort

Katrien Baerts, soprano
Costanza Principe, pianoforte

Gold Carnet– Pass

Assigned Seating €10

Milano /

La porta del Paradiso

Delphine Galou, contralto
Ottavio Dantone, organo

Gold Carnet - Pass à la carte
Ticket € 10

Milano /
Teatro degli Arcimboldi / at

Heiner Goebbels
A House of Call

Heiner Goebbels
A Hous of Call.
My Imaginary Notebook
Prima italiana

Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della Rai
Daniel Skála, cimbalom
Filip Eraković, accordéon
Steffen Ahrens, chitarra
Simone Garino, sassofono tenore, clarinetto basso
Tiziano Popoli, campionatore
Vimbayi Kaziboni, direttore
Heiner Goebbels, regia luci
Norbert Ommer, regia del suono

Gold and Silver Carnet
Pass à la carte
Numbered tickets € 10

Milano /
Teatro Dal Verme / at


Schlagquartett Köln
Percussion Orchestra Cologne
Peter Rundel
, direttore

Gold Carnet
Pass à la carte
Numbered tickets € 10

Milano /

Antonio Alessandri

Musiche di Chopin, Capogrosso, Ravel e Stravinskij

Free admission with recommended reservation at
You can book up to a maximum of two tickets starting from Monday, September 9, 2024.

Milano /

Antonio Alessandri 

Musiche di Chopin, Capogrosso, Ravel e Stravinskij

Free admission with recommended reservation at
You can book up to a maximum of two tickets starting from Monday, September 9, 2024.

Torino /
Teatro Vittoria / at

Nicolas Hodges

Franz Schubert
Sonata in do maggiore D. 840

Jean Barraqué


Gold Carnet - Pass

Assigned Seating €5

Milano /
Teatro Bruno Munari / at

Nicolas Hodges

Anton Webern
Variazioni op. 27

Rebecca Saunders
To an Utterance, study

Johann Sebastian Bach
Duetto n. 1 in Mi minore BWV 802
Duetto n. 2 in Fa maggiore BWV 803

Wolfgang Rihm
Zwei Linien
Prima italiana

Johann Sebastian Bach
Duetto n. 3 in Sol maggiore BWV 804
Duetto n. 4 in La minore BWV 805

André Boucourechliev
Archipel 4

Gold Carnet
Pass à la carte
Numbered tickets € 10