Milano / Sunday 25 September 2022
Leif Ove Andsnes
Leif Ove Andsnes

Conservatorio “G. Verdi” di Milano - Sala Verdi / at 09:00 PM


The crystal clarity of Mozart’s music and its brightly colored light explode! How odd… two concertos for piano belie a symphony.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Concerto in mi bemolle maggiore per pianoforte e orchestra K. 482 Sinfonia in re maggiore K. 504 "Praga" Concerto in do minore per pianoforte e orchestra K. 491

Matthew Truscott, primo violino e concertmaster

The concert will be preceded by a brief introduction courtesy of Gaia Varon

Gold and Silver Carnets 

Tickets € 20
