Torino / Friday 15 September 2023
Julia Fischer, Vasily Petrenko
Julia Fischer, Vasily Petrenko

Auditorium Giovanni Agnelli - Lingotto / at 08:00 PM


Tchaikovsky hailed from Votkinsk, a small town in the Urals, some one thousand kilometers east of Moscow. Lera Auerbach was born seven hundred kilometers further east, in Čeljabinsk, on the outskirts of Siberia. Mussorgsky was a child of Karevo, a village not far from Belarus. Enjoy a multifaceted Russian musical feast!

Lera Auerbach Icarus  Italian premiere Pëtr Il'ič Čajkovskij Concerto in re maggiore per violino e orchestra op. 35 Modest Musorgskij Quadri da un'esposizione, trascrizione per orchestra di Maurice Ravel

There will be an intermission at this concert

Gold and Silver Carnet
Assigned Seating € 25, € 30

Download the libretto

by Cesare Fertonani

