Mădălina Danilă

Last update: 24/04/2019
MĂDĂLINA-CLAUDIA DĂNILĂ was born on 2nd of April 1990 in Brăila, Romania. She started studying the Piano when she was 4 years and since then, she has been continued the musical studies at Hariclea Darclée Art High School of Brăila, being trained by the Piano teacher Galina Cojocari, Maestro Sandu Sandrin and Maestro Şerban-Dimitrie Soreanu from Bucharest. Mădălina started competing in national and international contests (Marseille- 2006 and 2007- 2nd Prize, Pro Piano- Bucharest- 1st Prize and the Bach Prize) and she sustained solo and Chamber Music recitals and also concerts with orchestra in various places from Romania, Prague, Ankara, Graz, Budapest. She also attended the Master Classes for Piano, organized by the French pianist Lea-Jeanne Litzler Adam, founder of the Académie des Artistes Musiciens of Geneva, and Roberto Russo pianist from Italy. During the 2004– 2007 school-years, she was a Rotary Club scholarship member. In November 2011 she took part in Milano at the contest organized by Società Umanitaria- The Second International Edition/ Chamber Music section. There were two rounds and she gained together with her partner violinist Ioana Pecingină recitals for the next year in Milano. Currently, Mădălina is in the third year at the National University of Music in Bucharest, where she was the first entered and she still maintains her status as the one of the best students of the Conservatory. She benefits from the first-class training and guidance of Maestros Şerban-Dimitrie Soreanu, Sandu Sandrin and Christina Popescu-Stăneşti as a Musician and a Human Personality as well.