Milano / Wednesday 18 September 2024
Peter Rundel
Peter Rundel
Listening with the Eyes

Teatro Dal Verme / at 08:00 PM

Varèse • Ionisation
Huber• Herbstfestival
Nieder• Erdenmarsch

Edgar Varèse
Ionisation for 13 percussionists

Nicolau Anton Huber
Herbstfestival for 4 percussionists

Fabio Nieder
Erdenmarsch per orchestra di percussioni
Prima esecuzione italiana

Schlagquartett Köln
Thomas Meixner
Boris Müller
Dirk Rothbrust
Achim Seyler

Percussion Orchestra Cologne
Zoi Argyriou
Jacqueline Dourado
Moe Fukuda
Ramòn Gardella
Juliette Serré
Rita Soares
Rie Watanabe
Yukari Yagi
Leqi Yang

Peter Rundel, conductor

“ Erdenmarsch, which is to say, ‘march of the earth’. But what’s that supposed to mean? The planet earth marching? Humankind on the march? In Mahler, it is the earth that sings the song of earthly existence. Here, however, there is no singing. This is a forced march, all together, marching toward... The four columns of three performers each march to the relentless, inexorable beat of an immense drum. These percussionist soldiers seem to be under the spell of some arit h metic order. For them, the only way out is anarchy and c h aos!”.
Fabio Nieder

Gold Carnet
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Numbered tickets € 10