Milano / Wednesday 16 September 2015

Teatro Out Off / at 09:30 PM

Voci dello Spirito

Il Suono nelle comunità religiose di Milano Cantillation of the Coran and ceremony of zikr of Halvetî-Jerrahî dervishes

In collaboration with
Teatro Out Off
assigned seating € 15 Buy your tickets on Vivaticket and Mailticket
Muhannad al-Gilânî coranical cantillator (hâfız) on behalf of all islamic communities in Milan Concert of repertoires from sufi Ottoman-Turkish tradition performed by Fakhraddin Gafarov short-necked ‘ûd lute Marco Schiavini, ney flute Marco Ponta, guitar Stefano D’Aloia, daf framed drum Zikr (“memory, repetition, recollection”) ceremony of Milano's halvetî jerrâhî dervishes Mohsen Mouelhi sheykh (“maestro”) Fakhraddin Gafarov zikır bașı (“zikr conductor”) Qur’an (“Koran”) literally means “recitation” and indicates a corpus revealed orally/aurally by the archangel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad. Thus the fundamental importance assumed over time by the oral transmission of the Qur’an, entrusted to specialists known as hâfız (“preserver”) who knew the texts by heart; as well as the value Sufism places on listening (samâ‘) and the power of the name of Allah, which is recalled and repeated on countless occasions. Just as in the zikr of Milano’s halvetî jerrâhî dervishes.

