Politecnico Sede di Milano Bovisa - Aula De Carli / at 10:00 PM
Play your Phone!
Interactive performance-concert for performers and pubblic
Chris Chafe
Siren Coud, per pianoforte, chitarra elettrica e pubblico
Robert Hamilton
Tale-Harmonium, per pianoforte e esecutori virtuali
Jieun Oh
Robert Hamilton
Dichotomous Harmonies, per tromboni analogici e sintetizzati
Juan-Pablo Caceres
Perkussionista, per pianoforte, percussioni virtuali e disklavier
Luke Dahl
Jorge Herrera
Carr Wilkerson
Robert Hamilton
Tweet, per pubblico, Twitter e iPad controllers
MITO Festival Production Director: Andrea Minetto
For the Twitter piece, any phone with a Twitter client can be used by the audience, as long as they can write and send Tweets.
In collaboration with
Stanford Humanities Lab
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics, Stanford University
Politecnico di Milano
Social media dissemination by 2lifeCast
Stanford Humanities Lab
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics, Stanford University
Politecnico di Milano
Social media dissemination by 2lifeCast
Free Admission
The new production of MITO Festival in collaboration with Stanford University goes beyond and transforms habits: not just a concert but a new listening experience in which the public participates physically and conceptually to the creation of music. The barriers between musicians and listeners fall down and the roles are reversed from song to song within an interactive musical space. A great event that shows all the musical potential of new technologies and revolutionary new tools: iphone, twitter, ipad. It announces the birth of
a new concept of media and a new way to share music.
by Robert Hamilton