Casa Teatro Ragazzi e Giovani / at 03:30 PM
L’usignolo e l’imperatore
Chamber opera in 1 act and 5 sets proposed by Mus-e Torino
Music by Enrico Correggia
Dircted by Alberto Jona
Scenography by classe IV C
della Scuola elementare Leone Fontana
Dance, music and shadows theater
with classi III D e IV D
dell’Istituto Comprensivo
Adelaide Cairoli e IV B della
Scuola elementare Silvio Pellico
Artistic project
by Carlo Pavese
In conjunction with
Mus-e Torino
Fondazione Teatro Ragazzi e Giovani
Con il patrocinio di
Ufficio Scolastico Regionale
Mus-e Torino
Fondazione Teatro Ragazzi e Giovani
Con il patrocinio di
Ufficio Scolastico Regionale
Assigned seating € 5
The Mus-e project, coordinated by Paola Monaci in Torino since 2001, focuses on synergies among various artistic disciplines and educational systems. The project puts art at the center of the learning experience in schools that are increasingly multiethnic. Based on a Hans Christian Andersen story, the performance stars a nightingale and its mechanical replica. The emperor thinks he can imprison the bird in a gilded cage, but winds up appreciating the value of friendship and the warmth of a free bird’s song, as opposed to the cold perfection of a robot.