Torino / Thursday 23 September 2021

Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi / at 07:00 PM

20th Century Smile

Fast, short, dramatic. There once was a time when the 20th century shot toward the future under the guise of a hyper-turbulent avant-garde. Composers of that age gone by bequeathed to future generations light, fun, comedy, joy.

Sergej Prokof'ev Five Melodies op. 35 bis Igor Stravinskij Divertissement da Le baiser de la Fée Manuel de Falla Suite populaire espagnole Transcription for violin and piano by Paweł Kochański from Siete canciones populares españolas Fritz Kreisler La Gitana Caprice viennoise Prelude and allegro

Sergej Krylov, violin

Assigned Seating €15
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by Stefano Valanzuolo

