Teatro Bruno Munari / at 09:00 PM
Technically, Mozart was either fulfilling a commission or writing for a renowned soloist. But in his quartets for flute and oboe, he is definitely in a state of grace. The music he created flows across the pages with incredible freshness.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Quartetto in do maggiore K. Anh. 171 (285b)
Quartetto in fa maggiore per oboe, violino, viola e violoncello K. 370
Excerpts from Preludes and Fugues by Johann Sebastian Bach, elaborations for string trio K. 404a
Quartetto per flauto e archi n. 1 in re maggiore KV 285
Introduces Luigi Marzola
In conjunction with
The Torino Philharmonic Orchestra
The Torino Philharmonic Orchestra
Assigned seats € 3