Torino / Monday 21 September 2009
Due personaggi femminili di un trittico (particolare), Giappone 1884 - MAO di Torino, Proprietà Regione Piemonte
Due personaggi femminili di un trittico (particolare), Giappone 1884 - MAO di Torino, Proprietà Regione Piemonte

MAO – Museo d’Arte Orientale / at 04:00 PM

The Tea Ceremony

Traditions of Japan

Hajime Takasugi, tea master

Argia Coppola, readings

L'evento fa parte di "FocusGiappone"
In conjunction with
Fondazione Torino Musei.
Sold out
While the Japanese term chanoyu chadō means literally “hot water” and “tea pathway”, this compound conjures up an entire traditional ritual and the ancient doctrine at its origins. Based on a ceremony influenced by Zen Buddhism, the tea master, bolstered by a vast knowledge of disciplines and traditions that include the arts of flowers, ceramics, calligraphy and kimonos, prepares the matcha (green tea) for a select group of guests. Hajime Takasugi began a career in tea at the age of six. The ceremony is preceded by readings and musical pieces. Tea will be served to the audience following performance.

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by Redazionale

