Sandro Lombardi

Ph. Marcello Norberth
Ph. Marcello Norberth
Last update: before 2019
Sandro Lombardi (actor, playwright and author) together with Federico Tiezzi and Marion D’Amburgo funded “Il Carrozzone” in the early 70s. Their debut was in 1972 in Florence with La donna stanca incontra il sole. In 1973 he was invited in Salerno for the First Festival of New Trends, where the group proved to be part of the new “image-theater”. Between 1988 and 2002 Lombardi received prices by Ubu as best male interpretation of the year. Among the winning pieces: Genet a Tangeri di Federico Tiezzi (1984), Due Lai di Giovanni Testori (1998) e Gli uccelli di Aristofane (2005). He has a very personal and distinct way to act poetry and narration: from Pascoli to Leopardi, from Dante to Petrarca, from Campana to Palazzeschi, from Pasolini to Valduga, from Gadda to Tolstoj, from Seneca to Cervantes. Besides being involved with the radio, cinema, music and theater, he worked with Giovanni Agosti, Giuseppe Bertolucci, Laura Betti, Alighiero Boetti, Ginevra Bompiani, Giancarlo Cobelli, Mahmud Darwish, Luca Doninelli, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Giovanni Frangi, Nico Garrone, Giovanni Giudici, Dante Isella, Hanif Kureishi, Mario Luzi, Mario Martone, Francesco Niccolini, David Riondino, Davide Rondoni, Paolo Rosa, Edoardo Sanguineti, Mario Schifano, Hanna Schygulla. In 1997 he performed at the Theatre della Scala the Cantico delle Creature di San Francesco, during the Christmas Concert conducted by Riccardo Muti and took part of many other festivals all over Europe. He recorded a CD with poetry by Pasolini and Dante. Some of his recent interpretations are Gli Ucelli di Aristotale, 2005, Il Sogno di un mattino di primavera by Gabbriele d’Annunzio, 2007, Giganti della montahna by Luigi Pirandello, 2007, Passaggio in India by Edward M. Forster, 2008. He published with Garzanti Gli anni felici, an narrative essay about his experiences in theatre and music, as winner of the Price Bagutta Opera prima 2004. He took part of the jury at the Price of Naples and he is member of the association Giovanni Testori (Milan) and the Society Dantesca (Firenze). In 2009 Feltrinelli has published his first novel, le mani sull’amore.