Milano / Sunday 13 September 2015
I tre leccardi
I tre leccardi

Teatro Fontana / at 05:00 PM

Chichibio, la gru e altre storie

I tre leccardi

Giorgio Pinai, voce, traversa, flute, double flute, drum, bombard, bagpipe e ceccola
Luca D’Amore, lute and drum
Fabrizio Lepri, viella

Mirko Revoyera, cantastorie

For children ages 6 and up
assigned seating € 8 children € 5 Buy your tickets on Vivaticket and Mailticket
The irony in Boccaccio’s novella told on stage by medieval minstrels. The show features ancient instruments, puppets and masks, as well as original music and songs. It’s a comedy rife with double entendre and gags, starring food and the cunning of Chichibio, promising laughter from the get-go.
