Parco Trotter

Parco Trotter
Parco Trotter
via Giuseppe Giacosa, 46
M1 Rovereto
Bus 56
Trotter Park is an historic place in Milan. It’s a large school park attended every day by students from primary and middle school. The park host the association “Casa del Sole”, born in 1922, based on advanced pedagogical ideas, with the purpose of connecting children’s knowledge to making concrete. In the Park the children used to cultivate land, breed farm animals, run a savings bank, making experience of innovative forms of learning that continues even nowadays, with today competences. People coming to the Trotter Park will see twelve pavilions, sort of Swiss chalets, that are the children’s classrooms; the farm reborn through the efforts of parents and teachers; the didactic vegetable gardens and also the pool and the fish tanks, unfortunately in disuse now. A very interesting example of organization of the school’s spaces, thought in a relationship of close proximity to the outer space to help children to learn actively, the Trotter Park was placed in 1986 under the constraint of Sovrintendenza Regionale ai Beni Architettonici e Ambientali.
During school hours the Park is closed, then it opens to the people in the neighborhood and become a rich space of sociality and culture, with all kinds of initiatives (especially for children) proposed by the “ Città del Sole – Amici del Parco Trotter” association and by a network of other sport, cultural and recreational associations of the district.