Milano / Sunday 21 September 2014

Triennale Teatro dell’Arte / at 05:00 PM


Lorenzo D’Erasmo, percussion

Collettivo 320Chili

created and performed by Elena Burani
Piergiorgio Milano
Fabio Nicolini
Roberto Sblattero
Francesco Sgrò
light design by Luca Carbone

Luigi Palombi, piano

In conjunction with
Flic scuola di circo di Torino
La Triennale di Milano

Thanks to
Bolton Group
Admission € 5
A project created for MITO SettembreMusica “if I don’t hug you immediately, I’ll die!” This Is the motto of the show in which Gesto, Theatre and contemporary circus join together in a fun and meditative performance showing realities on the limit between everyday life and insanity, to explain that we are all people stuck in time that we cannot lose. For kids ages 6-12.
