Milano / Sunday 12 September 2010

Teatro Franco Parenti - Sala Grande / at 05:00 PM


Milano / Sunday 12 September 2010 - at 05:00 PM

Amos Oz - © J. Bauer
Amos Oz - © J. Bauer
The event will be live on streaming on the homepage of this website
Coordinator Francesca Colombo
Free Admission

Milano / Sunday 12 September 2010 - at 07:00 PM

Moni Ovadia - © P. Settanni
Moni Ovadia - © P. Settanni
Sentieri selvaggi ensemble
Sentieri selvaggi ensemble
Fabio Vacchi D'un tratto nel folto del bosco
Melologo with texts by Michael Serra, based on the novel by Amos Oz

World premiére

MITO Festival Production Director: Carlotta Colombo
In collaboration with
Teatro Franco Parenti
Sentieri selvaggi ensemble
Assigned Seating € 10 Tickets sold-out
"Something pushed me to work with Amos Oz, Michael Serra and Moni Ovadia: it is the shared vision of an idealism relativized, which, while realizing the close link between good and evil, in themselves and outside themselves, does not give up believing that it is worth to improve the world, limiting as much as possible the suffering of its inhabitants. The emotionally intense, I would say passionate love for animals, that unites us, leads to a need for compromise and solidarity between human, generations, cultures, even different species. The fable for children and adults of Oz-Serra, tells of an effort that in its being self-ironic and pitiful, holds the key to a possible interpretation of the world." Fabio Vacchi
