Torino / Saturday 3 September 2016
Quartetto Adorno
Quartetto Adorno

Chiesa di Santa Rita / at 09:00 PM


First the ornithological strains of Haydn. Then one of Beethoven’s greatest quartets. And to conclude: Ten outrageous minutes of high energy unleashed by Régis Campo. In just over an hour, three hundred years of history flow through the hands of this talented young ensemble.

Franz Joseph Haydn Quartetto in re maggiore op. 64 n. 5Hob. III:63 “L’allodola” Ludwig van Beethoven Quartetto in mi minore op. 59 n. 2“Rasumowsky” Régis Campo Energy/Fly
Il concerto è preceduto da una breve introduzione di Antonio Valentino
In conjunction with
Accademia Walter Stauffer
Free admission
